Post 16 Support
If you would like support, please check out the pages below.
If you need assistance, please get in touch with us and we would be more than happy to help😊
You can also refer to our service here if you are Not in Employment, Education or Training.
Things we can support with:
(Click the buttons to find out more)
Meet the team

Programme Manager

Information Advice & Guidance Data Trackers

Careers Advisor

Data Officer

Career Coach
What is post 16 follow up?
Every local authority in England has a statutory duty to report on the “destinations” (what young people are doing) of all young people for 2 academic years after they leave statutory education at the end of year 11. B&NES commission us to do this report, known as tracking. The data from IYSS (the database we use) is uploaded to the national database every month. This shows how many young people are in education, work, other stuff (like an apprenticeship) or unemployed. We also have busy times of year like after the summer when we are updating what everyone is moving onto for the following academic year. There are other things too – we contact schools to check that year 11's and year 12's have something to go on to for the following year. And then we follow up young people that don’t to offer support. This is called the September Guarantee – i.e. the guarantee of a place for September.
Why is it important?
Tracking is important beyond the data because we want to support young people, and the local authority have to offer support to young people not in education, employment or training (NEET). So the more accurate our data, the better we can allocate provision and support young people who need/want it. We track by contacting young people in any way we can with the contact info we have. As a last resort we will go and knock on their door. We are friendly and wear badges!