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September 2022 update

The month of August proved to be an exceptionally difficult time for young people in the Radstock and Somer Valley area with the murder of a local young man well known to staff and young people.

Our condolences go to his family and friends.

I want to say a big thank you for the exceptional response of YCSW to support young people, the community and each other. Those to be mentioned are Steff Reynolds, Carrie Ford, Kelly Barresi, Sam Plummer, Jess Hull, Mhairi Kristoffersen and Mia Church, but it was a team effort and thanks to everyone.

We will continue to support the family and young people in the area. It is possible that many young people will be affected and there are wider implications across all of our work. If your team needs advice help and support with issues relating to unexpected death, loss and bereavement, please reach out we have a lot of resources and advice available to help you.


New staff

There are a lot of new staff joining the organisation at the moment, please make them welcome. Victoria’s HR Update contains more information and a new structure chart so you can see how the company has grown over the last few months. Due to this influx and inductions taking place at Southside, the offices will be busy, please make sure you have a space to work by booking a desk via

IT update

The new laptops have been rolled out and we all adjusting to the new world, for some more than others! We are getting cables so you can link laptops to monitors and also a cable to link to the points on the wall so were not so reliant on the Wi-Fi, all staff need to complete a DSE workplace risk assessment ..\..\..\Risk Assessments\other ad hoc\DSE Workstation Set up checklist.docx and return the form to

Premises updates

Radstock youth centre (was children’s) we have taken on a 3-month license intending to get a 5-year lease with the Council.

Young people will be using the centre for Learning 4 Work and youth work. There will be space for one-to-one support. Shelley has set up a room booking system for internal use. Office space is

also available.

City centre – works are being undertaken to get the new centre ready for action hopefully by October. A partition has been removed and new signage is going up. The next steps are the interior design and fit-out.

Midsomer Norton the Hollies – we still have an office in the Hollies, please book a space using the contact inbox.


Program Updates

Targeted Support

  • Writhlington School have agreed to another year of paid-for targeted support.

  • Home-educated Young people who had HERS and/or were EOTAS were supported over the summer period through funding from the CEC. 57 YP were offered IAG and travel training and were supported into their post-16 destination.

  • Bathscape project is nearing the end of year 1. Thanks to Rob and everyone who supported this.

Year 2 planning is underway so watch this space….

  • New staff joined the team in September – Jack Patten and Ellie Fass-Roads and Clare Jones will join in October.

  • We said farewell and good luck to Jack Cregan who has left to complete his final year at BSU and Peter Dozva who defected to the alternative education team – Good Luck and thank you for all your support from the team!

  • Natalie will be starting her new group work role in October for Targeted Support as well as on the Writhlington contract (after she finished with RT!).


  • The Virtual School pilot contract has been extended for a further year which is great news.

  • Realising Talent 1 project will be finishing end of September 2022 whilst the Realising Talent project 2 (EFT) will be starting its final and second year.

  • Careers IAG and employability support are being requested and we are starting to support 1 YP for 5 hours per week and we are in talks with both special educational needs schools.

  • It’s the September Guarantee time of year, this is an annual return we complete to the government letting them know where all young people are in years 12 and 13 – please help Kelly and Jude if you know someone’s destination – let them know who’s doing what!

  • Below are the latest NEET (not in education, employment and training) and Not know figures, one of the statutory responsibilities is tracking young people's destinations until they are 19 and young people with EHCP until they are 25.

July data







(June 1.8%)



Not Known


(June 2.4%)



Alternative Education

The Alternative Education team has significantly increased this month, we were pleased to welcome 7 new staff during September. This is to meet an increase in student numbers, the teams will be working with 78 young people with EHCPs across the 3 programmes.

Learning 4 Work (L4W) and Partnership 4 Learning (P4L) staff have been focussing on supporting transitions during the summer, lots of last year’s students have moved into further education and employment and some will be continuing with the teams for another year. It was nice to hand out certificates at the end of the last term to celebrate the young people’s achievements.

The Education Support Service is new for September, Louise is the new Team Leader and has had a busy start meeting all the young people joining the programme. The team will be providing additional support to pre-16 SEND young people who have been finding education particularly challenging.

L4W's second base will be at Radstock Youth Hub, the staff have been busy decorating the centre, trying to get it ready for the start of term.

Huge thanks to the team for their hard work on this!!!

Southside Youth and Community Centre

The café has a great summer with support from Crop drop – free veggies and fruit from local allotments particularly Monksdale in Oldfield Park. The Western power food program which meant we were able to give out packed lunches, vouchers for lunches in the café, food and food at youth clubs including BBQ's.

We have recruited a new deputy kitchen manager so my days in the kitchen are over.

The centre has been busy over the summer with lots of families continuing to use the soft play and café, the library bus has visited us a few times and this will be a regular event on a Monday. The toddler group met throughout the summer with parents and carers being grateful for the space being open in the holidays.

We said goodbye to Jacque Garcia our student intern and hello to Leah Kenny-Edgington his replacement, welcome to the team.

In the coming year there will be lots of community events as well as our ongoing community groups so watch this space!

Youth Work

Wesport funding has been secured for all Youth Work areas for the winter months. This funding will help with the development of young women’s work as well as other targeted groups in Radstock along with work in all other areas.

The Radstock team have secured funding from The Big Local to work with a graffiti artist. This has resulted in young people producing an amazing piece of graffiti art on the hoarding boards around the old Radco building.

All areas have run trips over the summer holidays with around 70 young people befitting from these adventures.

A group of young people have been involved in consultation with Westfield Parish Council to enable their ideas to be put forwards for the Waterside Valley environment project.

Judy Illingworth will be in her new post for the City Centre lead Youth Work position from 1st October 22.

We aim to develop wellbeing and Teen YOGA sessions in partnership with teen yoga in the coming months in several areas.

New staff have been employed for the Bath youth work team. This will enable the development of lots of new work including Young Women’s work and a Dungeons and Dragons group.


If you have any questions on the above please do contact me.

Thank you



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Southside Youth and Community Centre

Kelston View




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01225 396980 (office hours 9:00-16:00)

07980998670 - Out of office emergencies only

Youth Connect South West is registered in England as a charity. Charity No: 1186059.

Registered Address: Youth Connect South West, Kelston View, Whiteway, Bath, BA2 1NR

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